Scope design + assessment



Business Gap
Performance Gap
Functional Scope
Vacancy Opening
Entrevistas e Assessment

Scope Design and Assessment

For times when there is a change in the company's and/or area's strategy, changes in the existing functional scope or the creation of a non-existing scope of action that may arise. flow works with the requesting client and HR in the context of business requirements and profile requirements, thus creating a better understanding of what the organization expects from the profile and the challenges ahead for the company and the area, as well as the executive. in the function. If the client wants to evaluate internal executives for promotions, change of area and compare with new performance arising from an exercise carried out in Scope Design, Flow can carry out assessments of the company's internal executives. The same product is already coupled to the Search product when Flow has an open project and needs to evaluate, in addition to the market, executives nominated by the company for the chair. In the case of the assessment, there is no comparison with executives/market mapping, only versus the constructed chair.


With the addition of mapping*, in the Scope Design - Assessment process it is still possible to check the market for profiles and scopes similar to the one designed. *candidates are not approached at this stage. If the client wants to evaluate internal executives for promotions, change of area and compare with new performance arising from an exercise carried out in Scope Design, Flow can carry out assessments of the company's internal executives. The same product is already coupled to the Search product when Flow has an open project and needs to evaluate, in addition to the market, executives nominated by the company for the chair.


The hiring of management/advisory advisors, or specialist members of thematic committees, who will provide an external vision to the company's strategic decision-making process, pulling and ensuring the implementation of structuring agendas that aim to perpetuate the company for the medium term.

Leadership succession

For times when the team needs to be reinforced for specific functional assignments or knowledge gaps/new agendas for the functional structure. selection of professionals at a senior management level, who contribute to the best results in their functional area, connected with leadership guidelines and integrated with the business.

Ceo & Executive

Selection of executives and C-level when there is a need for immediate adjustment to a new strategy and change in the company's operations and performance, and functional area or for moments of succession without internal alternatives in the company itself (when there is, the assessment is applied to comparison to the market)

Solutions for your companys challenge

Different moments can be present simultaneously in different areas

Operational Agenda

Perform everyday routines; Get possible results in the current configuration.

Replacement of a person

who does not have a defined succession;

Hiring specific knowledge

in a functional area;

Executive assessment

are they ready for the challenges already designed?;

Design of requirements of profile and/or position

for the agenda steps that will help the executives seeking high performance.

Transformation Agenda

Change of status quo: Make relevant changes to strategy and processes.

Restructuring of an area

or more (e-level to middle management) that is not performing in accordance with the proposed strategy and agenda .

Hire an executive to lead and accelerate the transformation

designed when the team does not have to wait for internal training or there is a window of market opportunity.

Structuring agenda

Introduce business practices; Implement management models and tools.

Completely structure a new area

and/or company;

Create new BU/vertical business

and/or area;

Acquire previous experiences and achievements through hiring

from those who have already experienced this challenge

Assess the success potential of your in-house executives for current and new positions and boost your team's performance with Flow.
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Rely on a second point of view to hire the person with the highest success rate for your Executive Plan.
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Scope your in-house executives tailored to your company's needs and strategic goals.
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With Flow, you have a structured process and a view of the most relevant variables to identify and attract the executives most adhering to your business strategy.
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Hire the leadership that is most aligned with your organizational culture, reducing the learning curve and, consequently, boosting your business.
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Count on Flow to find the executive with the most adherence to your business, maximizing the success rates of your strategy.
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For each challenge, a solution

Nós da Flow sabemos que o trabalho de um headhunter é muito mais do que preencher posições em aberto. Por isso, contamos com um time de consultores em executive search com ampla experiência e conhecimento nos diversos setores da economia.

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